Another chapter in the very one-sided Wednesday Night Wars is upon us. My name is Jordan Huie aka the One Zeel One and here at you’ll see a live written play-by-play for the show, provided as it airs. Watch this space for the AEW Dynamite Recap!
The show begins with Eddie Kingston coming out for his grudge match with Lance Archer but uh, during entrances we seem to have lost the feed entirely.
Eddie Kingston vs. Lance Archer
Eventually the feed does come in mid-match with Kingston pummeling on Archer, poke to the eye, clubbering shots to the small of the back and ribs. Archer responds with a massive forearm, Kingston fires back with chops. Goes to the second rope, flying shoulder block but Archer only goes down to a knee! Kingston hits the ropes, Archer does too – Pounce! Archer with a shot to the back, Kingston down on his knees now. Another wicked chop against the ropes. Archer hoists him up – CHOKESLAM FROM THE RING TO THE FLOOR AND KINGSTON BOUNCES OFF THE APRON ON THE WAY DOWN! Yikes!
Archer goes out there and grabs Kingston, slams his face right into the camera! And then into the barricade. Archer nails him and Eddie rolls into the ring, Archer pursues, Full Nelson Slam! Archer pulls him to the corner, lifts himself up in the ropes for a Twisting Splash, ref starts to count but Archer says no to the cover, smiling and laughing. Kingston tries a Spinning Backfist but Archer catches it – low kick drops Archer, lariat for a 2 count! Eddie wants a suplex, Archer blocks it and nails him with a lariat of his own! Archer takes him up for the Blackout, Eddie slips to his feet but still can’t take control, Archer with a Ripcord Clothesline! No cover.
Grabs the wrist, Archer with the Old School ropewalk into a beautiful Springboard Moonsault! And there’s the Claw, grabbing him by the forehead and slamming his head into the mat! He starts to pull him up again but the Butcher and the Blade come out dragging the carcass of Jake Roberts! As Archer is distracted, the Bunny hands Kingston some brass knuckles! Kingston with a loaded Backfist – and he gets the pin!
Winner: Eddie Kingston
Quite the physical battle there, shame I missed how it began but cool regardless. Bit of a surprise to see Kingston win this, honestly. Afterwards, Butcher and Blade come into the ring and they’re demolishing Archer with double teams, Kingston gets him with another Backfist.
We now have a promo from Jon Moxley. Says Young Bucks are the tag team champions who are friends with Kenny, Kenny is friends with the Good Brothers who are tag champions too, and now they’re all together? Says he doesn’t think that’s gonna work, there’s always drama in the Elite. Death Triangle hates the Elite but they also definitely don’t like Moxley… nonetheless he teams with PAC and Fenix against Kenny and the Good Brothers at Beach Break. Says it should be an incendiary combination.
AEW Dynamite Recap continues with a word from Sting and Darby Allin.
Sting says since they’ll be married to Team Taz in a Street Fight might as well get on a first name basis. Says they accused them of being hoodlums. Admits that Darby is a hoodlum. Allin says on the streets it doesn’t matter if you play clean or dirty. Darby tosses a skateboard through a window, says he is a hoodlum, no different than Sting. Sting responds by taking his bat to the windows. He says he is a hoodlum and at Revolution it’ll be showtime.
Next up on the AEW Dynamite Recap…
Chris Jericho & MJF vs. The Varsity Blondes
Bell rings but MJF on the mic says first of all, he has to talk to Sammy after the match but first off, Griff Garrison! Reminds us that last time he embarrassed him on live TV. Wants him to just skip to saying he’s undefeated and give up this time. Puts the mic towards him, this time Garrison hits him right in the mouth! Sends him out of the ring. MJF grabs a chair, rest of the Inner Circle has to hold him back. Max gets mad and yells as he goes into the ring, tags out to Jericho.
But the Varsity Blondes take over on him, quick tags and double teams, Pillman with a legdrop and a 2 count! Whip, dropkick, Jericho hangs onto the ropes. Hits the ropes himself, Pillman hits the dropkick this time! Takes him to his corner but Jericho fights back to a neutral corner. Whip to the opposite buckles but Pillman rebounds for a big lariato! Whip reversed, Max with a knee to the back, Jericho with a driving forearm to the face!
Tag to MJF who takes over as we go to commercial break.
As we come back, suddenly Griff Garrison has kicked up a comeback, Max stops it with a boot but when he hits the ropes he gets taken out with a back body drop! Discus Elbow to Jericho, flying clothesline to MJF in one corner, sandwiches them in an adjacent corner for the Stinger Splash! Double clothesline! Covers MJF for a close nearfall! Griff with a corner clothesline, Pillman tags in, Missile Dropkick to MJF for a nearfall! Jericho tags in but eats an immediate Superkick! Pillman covers for another nearfall!
Pillman low bridges a Jericho charge, baseball slide follows! Now Pillman takes him into the ring, Springboard – Jericho with the Judas Effect out of the air! And for good measure, he nails a perfect Lionsault for the win!
Winners: Chris Jericho & MJF
Fun stuff! Made the Varsity Blondes look real good there.
PAC with another promo from his home. He rags on the Elite’s manipulative ways, derides what they did to Penta attacking from behind. Says at Beach Break they’ll exemplify the true meaning of brotherhood: you hurt them, they’ll hurt you back. AEW Dynamite Recap to continue following the commercial break.
We see a clip from Shaq talking about how he’ll take on Cody Rhodes anywhere, and let him name the place. Cody makes his way out with Tony Schiavone in the ring. Tony asks for a response to not only Shaq but what Jade had to say on the Waiting Room. Cody says he’d rather just give you the pitch. Classic sell it promo and say March 7th, Revolution, it’d be himself and his beautiful bride Brandi Rhodes against Jade and Shaq! But life happens and he can’t say that because he’s having a baby. Brandi’s having a baby. Pop for it, quick “baby daddy” chant. Cody says after last week he got chewed out by Arn and JR for his decisions, says Arn was right last week and always has been.
Cody wants to let Arn make the call on what he does for Revolution.
Anderson says he might contradict himself a couple of times but bare with him. Fact of the matter is, he’s about to be a dad. And that is right on the forefront of his pre-frontal lobe as well it should be because it’s the most important thing in his life.
But he can make him think a little differently. January 29th, 1985. He saw his dad climb into the LA Forum, fight for twenty minutes, jump onto a plane and drive cross country, got back just in time to see the birth of his baby boy, Cody Rhodes. Cody is starting to cry a little bit. Anderson says he’s got a lot of time between that show and the birth date to make his decisions. He’s got a unique chance to catch the public’s eye with this match. Says Shaq is a once in a lifetime star and Jade dominates any room she walks into. Says he’s seen something these past two weeks that can’t be measured and maybe can’t put a name on but he wants Cody to see something as he’s pondering his future.
Arn brings out Red Velvet. Says she’s got fire. Velvet says she came out because she’s fed up. Tired of getting attacked and tired of Brandi being disrespected by that big mouth coward who knows she can’t defend herself. Everyone knows Cody would never lay a hand on Jade but she will because she’s Red Velvet and she’s about to stir your bitch ass up.
Kip and Penelope have a video package focusing on their upcoming wedding at Beach Break, to which they cordially invite us. Miro says he’ll bring Charles the butler with him!
Hangman Page vs. Ryan Nemeth
Nemeth with an immediate singleleg, into the ropes, clean break. Ryan mocking Page. Lock-up, Page with a wristlock. Nemeth reverses into a headlock. Page shoots him off, shoulder tackle. He stops short to avoid a leapfrog, big boot takes him to the mat. Pulls him to his feet, chops to the chest. Nemeth avoids it, some chops of his own. Page stops him, drops him with a forearm! Kicks him into the bottom buckle. Hangman throws him to the apron, Springboard Clothesline! Tope~!
Back into the ring, Nemeth avoids a corner charge, crisp dropkick for a 1 count. As Nemeth has him in a hammerlock, Matt Hardy makes his way out to watch this. Nemeth wrenching on a hammerlock and doing a headstand as he does it! Page escapes, chops, Nemeth with some kicks to the gut, knees to the ribs. Wants a whip, Page reverses, looks for a Back Body Drop, Nemeth counters with a Rude Awakening for a 2 count! Hardy seems to be cheering on Hangman.
Page with a series of clotheslines, whip to the ropes, Nemeth ducks a line, Page with a Spinebuster! Charging clothesline, throws him into place for a Sliding Lariat for a nearfall! Chop into the ropes, Nemeth escapes Leaping DDT just like Dolph, nearfall. Page flips to his feet off a German Suplex attempt, big boot connects, Buckshot Lariat for the win!
Winner: Hangman Page
Hardy applauding Page’s win afterwards. Starts to leave but Page notices him and has him come back to the ring for a quick talk. Schiavone is heading into the ring to look into this.
Matt says he didn’t want to create any kind of scene. He wanted to be in Page’s corner and let him know that he supports him. He’s been watching the last couple of months and has been concerned. Matt says he seems lost and conflicted. He was with him at Stadium Stampede and he knows how much love Page had for Kenny and the Bucks and they burned him. The Dark Order asking him to join and it’s just awkward, he becomes all the more conflicted.
Hardy tells Page that he doesn’t want anything but he wants him to know that he’s a good person and he deserves to be happy. Says Page has been dressing all alone in catering. Tells him he has a huge dressing room with plenty of space that he can use, no strings attached. Tony says he should probably take him up on that offer.
Dax Harwood vs. Jungleboy
Per stip, Tully Blanchard and Cash Wheeler are both handcuffed to Luchasaurus at ringside. Lock-up. Dax shoves him away. Chain wrestling, Dax with a side headlock takeover. Jungleboy with a dropkick, cranking at the leg, Dax into the ropes for the break and goes outside. Tully and Cash were both trying to charge in but Lucha has them firm. Crowd clearly enjoys Jungle’s new theme, singing along in support of Jungleboy.
Harwood with a hard shot to the gut, uppercut to the face. Chop to the chest! Jungleboy responds in kind, exchange of chops. Dax with a kick that seemed ambiguously like a low blow but not seen as such. Jungle taken to the corner, Jungleboy rolls out of the way of a charge and Dax nails his shoulder into the post! Jungle with an armbar. Jungleboy with a big Tornado DDT! Dax rolls to the floor, Jungle looks for a tope suicida but Dax sidesteps to send him into the barricade!
Commercial break as the AEW Dynamite Recap will continue.
We come back to see Jungleboy fighting back, elbows to take Dax down. Trying to go up top but Harwood stops him, scales the top rope, biiig Back Superplex! Nearfall. Dax with stomps to the face as Jungle trying to stand up. Gets in his face, exchange of shots, Jungle wins out with chops and uppercuts. Dax blocks a thrust kick, forearm to the face! Jungle escapes a Powerbomb, flips out of a German – Superkick lands! Ducks a line but the second attempt takes him down!
Dax with a Double Arm Powerbomb attempt, Jungleboy with a Rana for a nearfall! Dax follows up with the Slingshot Sit-Out Powerbomb for the clooooooose nearfall! The jungle chants return! Backstabber, and thus begins the Rolling German Suplexes! Harwood with a back elbow to break. Bounces Jungle off the ropes, he rebounds into a lariato! Dax with a fake-out punch into a DDT, the Arn Anderson special! Nearfall! Jungle off the top, crossbody rolled through for a nearfall, rolled over for another!
Exchange of tight cradles, both getting close 2 counts! “This Is Awesome” chant as they’re battling over a backslide, Jungle shoves him away, O’Connor Roll for a nearfall – another kickout but Jungle right on him for the Snare Trap! Cash and Tully are trying their damnedest to interfere but Luchasaurus is too strong and Jungle gets the submission!
Winner: Jungleboy
Awesome match, love everything about it. Afterwards, no sooner than the cuffs are taken off do Tully and Cash douse Luchasaurus in powder to blind him and then post him! Into the ring, Slingshot Double Suplex to Jungleboy! Tully assists for the triple team Spike Piledriver to Luchasaurus! They cuff Lucha to the ropes and take scissors to cut the horns off his mask, that is so petty and great. Now they’re about to cut off Jungle’s legendary locks!!! Marko Stunt and several friends rush out, Stunt’s got a weird golden chair and the heels head for the hills.
Team Taz have a promo in the parking lot. They take issue with some of the merch table merchants, asking where the Team Taz merch is. They don’t have any so they beat the hell out of them and someone gets the Rey/Nash Lawndart spot into the production truck. And another gets sent right through the merch table! Taz says Ricky and Brian will beat Darby and Sting’s ass at Revolution.
Britt Baker vs. Shanna
Baker with a wristlock, Shanna reverses. Britt takes over and snapmares her but Shanna takes control with another wristlock,. Drop toe hold, poses for the crowd. Baker forces her into the corner, forearm to the face, arm drag into a hammerlock. Shanna rolls free, arm drags of her own now. Enziguri lands! Shanna tries for a low dropkick but Reba pulls Britt out of the way, Shanna falls to the floor. Britt nails Shanna from behind and drives her into the barricade!
Britt with a Slingblade onto the floor! Rolls into the ring to try for a countout. Commercial break, AEW Dynamite Recap will resume. Reversed whip, Shanna with a couple of hair trips as we come back. Shanna with a charging clothesline, cover for 2. Pulls her up for a Butterfly Suplex, Britt escapes, kick to the gut, Gator Roll into a crucifix for a 2 count! Thrust kick to the face. Pulls her up, Paige Turner for a nearfall! Shanna fights back, Leaping Stunner! Looking to get some energy for the spirit bomb – charging dropkick to the head! Wants the Tiger Suplex, Reba distracts the ref, I guess Britt maybe rakes the eyes to escape, Lockjaw for the tap!
Winner: Britt Baker
Afterwards Baker attacks Shanna, nails a Curbstomp for the hell of it. And back into the Lockjaw! That is until Thunder Rosa rushes out to run her off!
MJF looking for Sammy Guevara, into the bathroom. He tells Sammy that he did NOT tell Wardlow to get involved last week but Guevara does not believe him. Says Max thinks he’s stupid. He’s got everyone else confused, he’s a great manipulator but he sees exactly what he’s up to. MJF asks if he’s sure he wants to play it this way. Sammy says he’s not playing. Max walks off.
We learn a little more about the women’s tournament coming up and round 1 has a huuuge match, Riho returns against Serena Deeb! That’s awesome!
Backstage, Dasha says it’s been five years since the Good Brothers and the Young Bucks have teamed together. Gallows promises to beat up Fenix and PAC at Beach Break and then do their very favorite thing, BEAT UP JON MOXLEY! Matt Jackson says it’ll be great as long as creepy uncle Don Callis doesn’t show up. Gallows tells them to relax about that. Kenny appears in advance to hold back Don Callis – who has some rather ridiculous looking bandaging on his head – who calls the Bucks out for attacking him.
The Good Brothers & The Young Bucks vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alex Reynolds & John Silver)
Karl Anderson and Evil Uno start us out. Anderson with a wristlock, Uno spins into a headlock. Anderson shoots him off, Uno with the shoulder block! Hits the ropes a few times, Inverted Atomic Drop! Cover for 2, stomp to the hand. Tag to Silver who calls out Gallows? Anderson indulges and Gallows steps over the top rope. Guffaws at him, that is a size difference. Looks for a test of strength but he puts his hand way too high up for him. Silver bowls up to him.
Gallows gets to a knee to mock him, Silver with some hard hits to the face! Hits the ropes, Anderson with a knee to the back and then he leaps to the floor, Silver sees Matt Jackson and knocks him off, thinking he attacked him. Gallows clobbers Silver. Matt tags in, as does Alex Reynolds, they go back and forth, Nick comes in for a double team arm drag and double dropkick, double dropkick to Uno as well, Bulldog/Dropkick combo to Reynolds!
Anderson back in, heels send the Dark Order off the apron as they tee off on Reynolds one after another! Quadruple team culminates with Gallows hitting Reynolds with a Back Suplex, four way Too Sweet’ing. Grayson makes the tag, crisp dropkicks of his own, heel kick to Nick Jackson, Half-N-Half Suplex! Taken to the apron, forearm to Anderson, Springboard Dropkick to Gallows, Black Hole Slam to Anderson! Grayson up top, Frog Splash! Nearfall.
Commercial break, AEW Dynamite Recap continues when we get back. We return to see Grayson nail a dropkick, tag to Silver who goes wild on Nick Jackson, big Back Body Drop! Nick takes him to the apron, Silver with an enziguri, cannonball to Anderson, charging uppercut to Gallows, big boot to Matt Jackson, back into the ring, fires off his kick combo into a crazy Brainbuster for a nearfall! Uno tags in for a Regal Roller, tries for the Senton Bomb but it’s avoided, Matt & Nick take over, Matt with a series of clotheslines to Silver and Reynolds but they counter, Rolling Forearm into Superkick into Stunner – Uno with a Blockbuster for a nearfall, heels break it up!
This is sooo hard to recap but I love it. Nick tags in, takes the Dark Order to the floor, Corkscrew Tope onto the crowd! Four simultaneous Apron Bombs from the Elite!! Into the ring, Quadruple Superkicks to Grayson, Reynolds barely breaks up the pin! Magic Killer to Reynolds! Meltzer Driver to Grayson for the cover and the win.
Winner: The Elite
Hoo, I’m a bit out of breath~ Always a good time when these happen.
Matt Jackson on the mic says whoever wins the tag team battle royal next week gets to challenge for the AEW World Championships; but the Bucks are also in that match. And if they win, they can handpick anybody to challenge them. Think about it… could be anybody. They Too Sweet with the Good Brothers.
Rey Fenix rushes down the ramp for a Springboard Dropkick to the Bucks, Anderson and Gallows double team him. Fenix avoids Magic Killer though and Jon Moxley rushes down into the ring to clothesline them to the floor where Fenix lays them out with a Tope Con Hilo! Kenny Omega rushes down the ramp to attack Mox with a chair but Moxley avoids it, Paradigm Shift takes down the champ! And that is the show!