Serena Deeb vs. Riho
Side headlock takeover, Riho bridges out but gets clipped with a clothesline. Riho offers a handshake. Serena milks this, fans applauding it. Deeb slaps her instead, big heat! Exchange of shots, Deeb takes over with uppercuts. RIho with the boots up, charging dropkick, Diving Crossbody off the top for a 2 count! Riho hits the ropes, Deeb ducks a few lines. Sunset flip attempted but Serena counters into a Serenity Lock attempt – rope break! Dueling chants. Dragonscrew Legwhip from Deeb. Deeb takes her to the bottom rope, Guillotine! Elbow drop to the inner knee. Hooks her in the Romero Special but hooks her nose! Still clamping the legs, stomps her knees into the mat!
Riho wants a stomp but Deeb reverses into a cravate. Flying mare takes her to the apron, some shots blocked, Deeb catches a shoulder thrust for a Front Facelock choke in the ropes! Ref forces the break but she cinches it right back in as soon as he turns away! Heat. Pulls her into the ring, Gory Special now! Drives her into the turnbuckles! Riho fights back, Diving Double Footstomp from the top rope but she comes up clutching her leg! Forearms to the chest. Whip reversed into the corner, boots up off a charge, Tilt-A-Whirl Rana to Deeb, drop toe hold strands her in the ropes! Tiger Feint Kick! Cover for a nearfall!
Guillotine Choke from Deeb – reversed into a Northern Lights Suplex! Bridge! Nearfall!
“This Is Awesome” chant as Riho fights to the top rope, leaves Deeb on the second rope. Diving stomp but Serena avoids it and Riho crashes on the apron! Dragonscrew between the ropes! Deeb pulls her int othe ring, Corkscrew Neckbreaker for a close nearfall! Chants for both kick up again. Boots up but Deeb catches them. Kicks can’t stop her, Serena yells, catches one, grabs BOTH legs for a Double Dragonscrew!! Big Powerbomb for a close nearfall! Riho fights back, clothesline out of the corner, escapes a Full Nelson, Snap Dragon lands!! Up top! Double Footstomp to the back! Meteora but Deeb rolls through into a Single Leg Crab!! Fighting, fighting… gets the ropes!
Serena pulls her up by the foot. Riho swinging but an Inverted Dragon Screw stops that! Detox attempted, Riho slips between her legs, TIGHT CRADLE, NEARFALL! Serena rolls her to the mat, drives her knee repeatedly into the canvas! Serenity Lock is cinched in deep and Riho has to tap!
Winner: Serena Deeb
One of the best pre-show matches I’ve ever seen, and that’s exactly what I expected! Great stuff.